Some Really Weird Things Are Starting To Happen Up In The Heavens…
Let me give you an example. On November 8th, we will witness a total lunar eclipse on election day for the first time in the entire history of the United States…
For the first time in
North Korea Vows To Use “All Necessary Measures” To Defend Itself | SHTF Plan
North Korea has threatened to respond to the United States-led military drills with South Korea. The North Korean dictatorship vowed to take “all necessary measures” to defend itself, while also claiming that the joint aerial drills are
A Surprising Threat To The US Power Grid Could Plunge The Country Into Darkness | ZeroHedge
The importance of a strong power grid cannot be emphasized enough. Often, when a grid fails, the results are terrifying. Of all the major power grids in the world, the United States’ is one of the
N.Y. Times 1995 prediction of doom a total bust
In 1995, the New York Times published an article featuring scientists who forecast that in 25 years, most of the beaches on the East Coast would be gone due to global warming.
The Times' William K. Stevens
Official horror inflation stats from Germany
The Federal Statistical Office has announced the current horror numbers. Accordingly, producer prices rose by a whopping 45,8 percent year-on-year. “Thus, August and September saw the highest increases in producer prices compared to the same month
BURRA: Brazilian Patriot Protests Rage in the Face of ‘Corrupt’ Elections and Media Smears.
The globalist/Marxist resistance to Bolsonaro’s presence at the highest level of Brazilian politics has been unflinching and unrelenting, mostly directed by the hopelessly corrupt Supreme Court of Brazil. At every turn, Bolsonaro has faced stonewall opposition
The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of the human race: It’s WAY beyond infertility and depopulation. humans are HOSTING a nano-scale computational PLATFORM
SynBio” means synthetic biology. If a corporation develops a gene-altering technology that gets injected into your body and permanently alters your chromosomes to be something other than fully human, they have turned you into a part-synthetic organism.