We’ve now covered at least eight post-injection cancer cases. Actress Kathy Griffin is the only one still alive. She contracted lung cancer after her first two injections, and still got third and fourth booster shots.
We’ve now covered at least eight post-injection cancer cases. Actress Kathy Griffin is the only one still alive. She contracted lung cancer after her first two injections, and still got third and fourth booster shots.
American Airlines Captain Robert Snow experienced a cardiac arrest inside the cockpit of Airbus 321 carrying nearly two hundred people – and the mainstream media is attempting to cover up the story.
The natural exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) waste for fresh oxygen in the lungs, also known as respiration, is a powerful antiviral activity that masks directly interfere with, putting the body at risk.
Inside your lungs are
Although it was clear early on that a proper understanding of the virus depended on accurate diagnostic tests, he said, “we were initially led to believe that the PCR test was an accurate diagnostic test.”
“But later,
Global INTOXICATION explains the FALL of humanity
Humanity is intoxicated to the point of suicidal collapse.
Note the word root “toxic” found in the word “intoxicated.” It doesn’t just refer to consuming alcohol, but to a