The National Science Teachers Assoc Just BANNED Use Of Words Including ‘Mother’, ‘Father’, ‘Man’ And ‘Woman’ Because They Are ‘Oppressive’ – enVolve
According to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), science teachers must cease using words like “parent,” “men,” “women,” “mother,” and “father” since they are “oppressive”.
The world’s largest association of science teachers has released a guide for
World War 3: The Stage Is Being Set For The United States To Go To War With China And Russia Simultaneously
You would have to be out of your mind to fight wars with China and Russia simultaneously. Unfortunately, the guy in the White House actually fits that description. Joe Biden has been a hothead throughout his career
Mitt Romney Calls On NATO To Prepare For Potential Russian Nuclear Strikes | ZeroHedge
Romney, in an opinion article for the New York Times, said that “Russia’s use of a nuclear weapon would unarguably be a redefining, reorienting geopolitical event,” adding:
“We should imagine the unimaginable, specifically how we would respond