A group of six progressive U.S. senators criticized the Biden administration's “extraordinarily disappointing” response on Wednesday to their request last year to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, a category reserved for drugs
Rise of the Machines: Are We Entering ‘Dangerous Territory’ with Machines That Replace God? | CBN News
High-tech and artificial intelligence are fast becoming a big part of our daily lives. Author Wallace Henley says if we are not careful, American society could easily enter into 'dangerous territory,' a less human world that forgets
Musk’s dream of Mars colonies will be realized by ‘human cyborgs’
Humans will only be able to realize Elon Musk’s dream of colonizing Mars by becoming “a race of cyborgs,” according to Britain’s top astronomer.
Martin Rees, who holds the title of “Royal Astronomer,” told the Telegraph that
Another Person Tied To The Clintons Dies In Apparent Suicide…But Details Surrounding Her Death Has Former Business Associate Calling For Independent Investigation
According to Radar Online, Ashley Haynes, 47, was found drowned in the Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block –just months before businessman Mark Middleton’s body was discovered
A Christian view of the coming Temple – opinion – The Jerusalem Post
The prophet Daniel, Jesus and the apostle Paul all prophesied that the future sinister figure known as the anti-messiah will defile the Third Temple before the return of Jesus. Both the prophet Daniel and Jesus referred to
Iran readies for grid blackout war with US | Washington Examiner
In the latest sign that Iran is readying for a military clash with the United States even as it works to revive an Obama-era nuclear “deal,” experts have revealed that Tehran is hardening its “critical infrastructure” as
Aliens could already be living with us here on Earth in a ‘shadow biosphere’, scientists claim – Daily Star
Humans have been perplexed by the wonders hidden beyond the stars since the very beginning of their existence, with the main question being ‘is there life out there?’
Astronomers have been gazing out into the night sky
Gene-editing turns fluffy hamsters into ‘aggressive’ rage monsters | Metro News
A team of scientists in the US have accidentally created overly-aggressive mutant hamsters following a gene-editing experiment.
Using the controversial CRISPR technology, researchers at Georgia State University were examining a hormone called vasopressin and its receptor,