In an in-depth interview with Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, at the link below, Palumbo discusses the origins of left-wing billionaire financier Soros and his
Victims Wanted | FrontpageMag
Revolution is about money and power for a select few, but for the dulled denizens of a society that has long since blurred fact and fiction, reality and ideology, the performance is the thing. Political metafictional narratives
Two-State Solution or Jordan Option? | FrontpageMag
Gantz is actively supporting the Fayyad Plan, which the EU is financing and backing politically. The Plan is designed to illegally take over Area C in violation of the Oslo Accords, and so far it is
Don’t Let Them Reset Society to Make You Into a Bug-Eating Serf | FrontpageMag
Answer this question – what institution is stronger, what societal function is running more smoothly, today than in 1991 after eight years of Reagan and a couple years before peaking under George Bush? Put aside technology. Yeah,
VP Harris Video: It’s a Real Issue That Women Are Getting Pregnant | FrontpageMag
In this new video, Kamala Harris declares in a panic: “Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue, and we need to act with a sense of haste of what is