As corporate media tributes to anointed patron saint of Covid Anthony Fauci greeted his announced exit from government “service,” a doctor who advised the Trump White House on Covid had a different take…
n a Monday interview
As corporate media tributes to anointed patron saint of Covid Anthony Fauci greeted his announced exit from government “service,” a doctor who advised the Trump White House on Covid had a different take…
n a Monday interview
Wall’s letter revealed that Team Biden had empowered the National Archives and Records Administration to waive any claims to executive privilege that Trump might assert to block the DOJ from gaining access to the documents.
Wall wrote:
The amount of unplanted farmland in California is increasing making the food supply crisis even worse. The drought is causing farmers to refrain from planting crops that they cannot afford to water.
United States Department of Agriculture
In Swiss daily Blick, the police officer warned bluntly that there could be riots and looting if Switzerland were hit by a severe energy crisis in winter. “Imagine that you can no longer withdraw money
John McAfee, a pioneer in anti-virus software, led a chaotic and bizarre life that is only growing more mysterious.
According to numerous reports, McAfee hung himself in a Spanish prison in June 2021 while he was
Yesterday’s Florida primary election was marred with reports of a large number of ‘vote by mail’ ballots that were returned as ‘undeliverable’ and then used to vote in tight elections in large numbers, changing the outcome of
This week, we all learned how France is arming up 3,000 new “green police” to arrest and prosecute people for so-called “climate crimes” which could mean almost anything, including exhaling carbon dioxide.
“The Counsel to the President has informed me that, in light of the particular circumstances presented here, President Biden defers to my determination, in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, regarding
President Biden on Wednesday claimed that his administration’s move to restart frozen federal student loan payments at the end of the year is an “economically responsible course” that will prevent his targeted student loan cancellation from having
The stabbing of Salman Rushdie raises the question: Why did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini sentence Salman Rushdie to death in 1989 for his novel The Satanic Verses? That the Iranian dictator had not read the book made