Breaking: Musk Publicly Decries Trans Surgeries & Sterilization Drugs For Minors
Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Thursday revealed he’s against allowing Americans under 18 years old to undergo sex change surgery or to take sterilizing drugs.
Not when they’re fed propaganda by adults.
Moreover, every child goes through
Shocking Investigation Finds ‘AI Death Panels’ Secretly Being Used For Population Control, And You Could Be Next – enVolve
According to a disturbing investigation, the globalist elites are utilizing AI algorithms to refuse medical care to elderly seniors who are enrolled in Medicare Advantage in order to advance their depopulation objective.
Surprisingly, health insurance firms are
Texas Agriculture Commissioner warns about Chinese purchases of US farmland, military base access | Just The News
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller warns about the multiple dangers from China's purchasing U.S. farmland, including having access to America's military bases.
“It gives them a really unique ability for espionage on our military bases, being that
“Why Would I Want to Fight For People Who Hate Me?” U.S. Army Ad Panned on YouTube
Despite the ad being markedly “anti-woke” (when compared to current standards) and trying to appeal to more traditional American values, the comments on the video are overwhelmingly negative with poster after poster asking why any normal American
“Why Would I Want to Fight For People Who Hate Me?” U.S. Army Ad Panned on YouTube
Despite the ad being markedly “anti-woke” (when compared to current standards) and trying to appeal to more traditional American values, the comments on the video are overwhelmingly negative with poster after poster asking why any normal American
Human rights activist warns: Pending WHO treaties to usher in TYRANNY in America
Human rights activist Reggie Littlejohn has warned the American public that the World Health Organization (WHO) treaties are going to usher in tyranny in the United States.
According to Littlejohn, who is also the founder and
STUNNER! Chinese Expert Cardiologist: COVID Vaccines Can Cause Life-Threatening Myocarditis
A prominent Chinese cardiologist has publicly acknowledged that COVID vaccines can cause severe myocarditis.
Wang Daowen is the Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Tongji Hospital, Wuhan. He is also a professor at Tongji Medical College,
STUNNER! Chinese Expert Cardiologist: COVID Vaccines Can Cause Life-Threatening Myocarditis
A prominent Chinese cardiologist has publicly acknowledged that COVID vaccines can cause severe myocarditis.
Wang Daowen is the Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Tongji Hospital, Wuhan. He is also a professor at Tongji Medical College,
Washington Post: We Must Change the Meaning of Wealth to Appreciate Climate Action | Watts Up With That?
Anyone who bothers to open a history book already knows what time wealth without money wealth looks like.
There is nothing romantic about trying to grow your own food with hand tools, without the assistance of modern