North Korea launches nuclear missile submarine with Chinese characteristics – World Tribune:
On Sept. 6, amid a broadcast North Korean ceremony, dictator Kim Jong-Un presided over the official launch ceremony of his new large conventionally-powered ballistic-missile-armed submarine (SSB), called “841,” and suggested it may be the first of many,
Air Force Secretary: China is actively preparing for war with the United States – World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geopolitics, Northeast Asia, China, Geostrategy-Direct, International Security, Corporate Watch, Media Watch
China is developing its military might at a rapid pace to prepare for war with the United States, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall warned on Monday.
“Our job is to deter that war and to be ready
Biden White House pushes back against GOP bill including military pay raise: ‘Would veto it’ | Fox News
But the White House has pushed back against the bill, claiming in that release that its current language includes “partisan policy provisions with devastating consequences, including harming access to reproductive health care, threatening the health and safety