The UN and the same group of globalists who convene at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are currently trying to create and exploit crises to seize control over national governments and economies. For instance, the globalists pushed for lockdowns, shuttering small businesses and sole proprietorships, threatening financial independence around the globe. Lock downs have also caused serious supply chain issues, driving up prices and pushing more people into poverty and hunger. The problems caused by government lockdowns are often blamed on “covid-19” as the Great Reset advances with no remorse.
America and all sovereign nations are under siege, as globalists take down food and energy globally
The endless money printing “solution” pushed forth by the globalists has caused a state of runaway inflation, driving up prices on everything and further straining hard working populations. Today, the globalists are all about promoting climate change, controlling the supply of oil, and forcing people onto an electric smart grid. By cutting off the oil supply, the cost of gas is intentionally increased, driving more people to desperation and hunger. Now, the globalists are cutting fertilizer use around the globe, straining farmers and limiting crop and livestock production. The global elite are doing everything in their power to make people go hungry.
The supply chain breakdowns, food shortages, price hikes and rampant inflation are all part of a broader strategy to impoverish nations and push populations into hunger and slavery. These issues will continue as world leaders destabilize farming operations with regional conflicts and climate change policies that destroy energy independence. Pandemic lockdowns, endless money printing, threats of world war, vaccine passport systems and climate lockdowns achieve the same goals: forcing people into hunger, fear and dependence on government. The UN and the WEF are no longer being coy about these crimes against humanity of which they continue to partake.