“American Journal” host Harrison Smith has warned that direct control over the mind via remote control is soon coming. During a recent episode of his program, Smith played two video clips of a beetle with a brain implant that can be controlled by remote control.
“It’s not enough anymore to simply manipulate you through the information that you have access to through your hormonal receptions such as dopamine or adrenaline by invoking fear or giving you the pleasure of receiving a like on your posts. No longer is this pseudo-direct control of the mind being exploited. They’ve gone a step beyond now to direct control over minds using remote controls. It’s really an astonishing thing,” Smith said of the scientific advancement that scientists are now making.
Smith said the brain implant on the beetle allows the researcher to control the bug against its will. He also noted that the beetle was trying to fight the stimulation controls, but the researchers said they still had control over the insect. The researchers were using electricity that was being pumped into the beetle to keep it moving.
A lot of people are already talking about chip implants to pay for things, as well as palm scanning. Smith said brain control implants are coming next, and it may be mandated just like the masks and the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.