Thanks to some BWC dossiers found in the ocean of WEB documents we have published the investigation into all the US bio-laboratories managed by the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci and also one in the United Kingdom which raises the suspicion that the last very dangerous phase of experiments for the creation of the artificial SARS-Cov-2 took place in England.
Well, since our first investigation into the CoronaVirus Bio-Weapon we quoted Professor Boyle (a human rights lawyer) because together with the late Luc Montagnier and his colleague Jean-Claude Perez he was among the first to report that the COVID-19 pandemic virus 19 had been created artificially by man, as later confirmed by dozens of studies and scientific articles.
This is why the sworn report that he signed as an Affidavit in a lawsuit in Florida to stop mRNA gene serums should be taken as an explosive document confirming that such genetically engineered pharmacological products are “bioweapons of mass destruction” .
As in fact revealed by the disturbing and disruptive study published by a Pro-Vax medical journal such as BMJ in confirming the correlation between an excess of deaths in Western countries after the administration of Covid vaccines.