I pray all of you are doing well, I know it’s very hard right now for many of you do to many thing like rising prices on everything and I do mean everything….
First: Mission Church
I have always believed that if a ministry is about FATHER YAHWEH that it will stand no matter who comes and goes, in this manner even though I am not at the Mission Church right now it is still doing very well under my son’s guidance he is doing the main things giving out the food, clothing, first aid, and so on under his way of doing it which is great.
He has some big help from my middle son Joshua who has turned down working a job on Tuesdays and Fridays so he can be at the Mission Church to help my wife and his brother….However we then were still short a person because a bother who has been with us for 14 years left us right before I had my cancer operation….it is mystery as to why he left as he offered no explanation only he was stepping back for a while? I am astounded by his lack of saying what is up because I have did so much with this brother over the years and consider him family….
So Joshua’s best friend Cody the big guy in the video stepped up and took his place, we have known him most of his life as he and Joshua have been friends what seems like forever, we just call him family.
While most donations have been faithfully steady, we just recently lost a donation that is about $500 to maybe $700 a month, that went directly into the Mission church, this really hurt and we are having to scrape deeply at a time when I am trying to keep things going when I have been unable to step up and try to get something to replace it as I have not did radio since January 11th, and I am not sure when I can, Maybe next week? But that does not mean that I will get instant donations so yes we are in a bind…..But the people are being cared for and fed!
Two: Radio and Website
In order to keep my radio spot we still have to pay for radio which is currently playing reruns, no new money is coming in for that and I lost this month at least one regular radio program donation that hits $230 to $350 each month that hurts…..I have some problems at the web site I am unable to fix, please pray I get the help needed to fix ASAP….the web site has brought in over 11508661 in a little over two years since Google censored my web site I had for many years….
Three: Pastor Dan
I am going to try and do radio next week with a guest but will just have to see as I cannot as of yet sit up long and have some dizzy or rather almost pass out spells…
I had been saying I lost over 30 pounds in the hospital but then my wife told me I really had lost about 70 pound as I lost about 40 in the weeks or month leading up to the cancer discovery……
So yes I about look like a starving refugee skin and bones where I was in very good shape, going to the gym and working out with weights at home, in fact the doctor was shocked as he said I was doing everything right, I am weak very weak and still suffering from post traumatic stress of what I went though like throwing up for 6 days and 23 hours straight almost nonstop except for when I literary passed out…I was also attacked by a nurse who the hospital said would not be coming back…in fact after the attack I was moved to a new remodeled edition of the hospital and was given free access to all the snacks I wanted ice cream and so on, if fact for 6 days all I could get down was Ice cream and Pudding….it was a nightmare in which I came out looking really bad and feeling bad….
Yes I came out with bag but they are going to put me all back together on March 19th, the surgeon says I should heal real quick after that, we are praying so…he said also he got all the cancer out but of course I need to do a follow up protocol to kill anything missed, Insurance of course will only cover chemo…which under advisement I do not have any faith is especially as weak as I am already…
What I want to do is a protocol that is over 80% effective but costs $250 a month, of course I have no funds for it at all, also I need some things to help me regain my strength which I have no money for, as all I have coming in personally is my wife and I’s social security and it is already stretched…..No I do not have anyone to fund raise for me and I only fundraise for the ministry not personal needs ……
All in all This minsitry is doing good and one way of another it will go on as in our family MESSIAH’S BRANCH the FATHER’S work always comes first…..
It would be very nice to hear from you so drop me a line at mbn@messiahsbranch.org or a text 316-619-4886 text and when feeling good maybe a call…
Video today
Please lift us in prayer, help if you can,
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Mission Church Address
900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211
Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)