Heavenly Father. We just turn to you and we come to the end of our own knowledge and experience and expertise and wisdom. And you delight in that, when we acknowledge it to you. We cannot proceed one more step as a nation, individually or collectively, without your divine hand of providence, your intervention, your your, your movement on the hearts of decision-makers who have been called and placed here, and for your people out in the land.
So we we cry out to you, God! We do humble ourselves and pray. We repent for our sins individually and collectively. And we ask that you not give up on our nation, not give us the judgment that we clearly deserve, but that your mercy and grace would guide us through these terrible troubled waters and that you would heal our land.
And you draw people to account. You draw them to recognition that we use this, these disastrous, calamitous times to get the attention of the people that you do that and that it’s for your glory.
And I pray specifically for the faithful here who were called here to serve. For those on this call tonight and all those who are leading out in the field in their various spheres of influence that you would draw your people close to you so that we would, so we can hear your voice. So we could hear your voice clearer. And that you would guide us as you desire to do. And we know that. We know that you want to work in our presence, God, so here are your remnants. And don’t give up on our land. And we’re grateful for that. Your mercy and grace that’s guided us these 247 years. We pray for more, so long as you tarry before you return. Trust in and believe that we’re confident of that, God. We give it to you in Jesus’ name.