Can you imagine what tourists must think when they come to this country? They spend a lot of money to fly all the way over here, and they are hoping to have amazing experiences that they will always remember. But instead, they quickly realize that the cities that they have come to see are rapidly degenerating. Today, our major cities are filthy, they are teeming with predators, and violent crime is completely out of control. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. New York City is the financial capital of the world, and millions of tourists still visit each year. But now the Big Apple has such an enormous rat problem “that rat tourism is fast becoming a boom industry”…
As the city grapples with a major rat problem – sightings doubled last year, prompting the mayor to advertise for a “somewhat bloodthirsty” head rat-catcher in December – the rodent issue is, according to some, New York’s latest must-experience trend.
As visitors to New York demand rat action, some of the city’s tour guides have started to add stops at notoriously infested sites, the New York Post reported this week.
It means that rat tourism is fast becoming a boom industry.