1) As long as you comply with tyranny, the government will always find new reasons to act like tyrants
Keep going along with the tyranny and the corrupt, criminal government will keep invoking a new “crisis” to keep you in line. Climate crisis. COVID crisis. Insurrection crisis. Cyber attack crisis. Russia crisis. Aliens. Bigfoot. Sasquatch… you name it. There's always another emergency right out the corner, ready to be played across the theater of your mind.
Stop falling for the Truman Show. Think for yourself.
2) Masks don't work. Even the CDC openly admits it
The CDC has been forced to admit that N95 cloth masks – the type commonly push by the government for COVID “protection” – offer no protection against wildfire smoke particles, which are orders of magnitude larger than coronavirus particles. From their own CDC.gov website, “masks that are used to slow the spread of COVID-19 offer little protection against the harmful air pollutants in wildfire smoke.”
But coronavirus particles are only about 0.1 micrometers in diameter, while smoke particles are typically in the range of 10 micrometers. That means the CDC, in pushing masks, is somehow arguing that masks which cannot stop 10 micrometer particles can somehow stop 0.1 micrometer particles. The non-logic makes no sense, of course.
On this issue, the CDC is being deliberately dishonest. Across their various pages, they also claim that N95 “respirators” work against COVID and wildfires, while trying to obfuscate the fact that a respirator is not the same thing as a simple cloth mask. A respirator is an air-tight, face-fitting device with no air leaks. N95 cloth masks are not N95 respirators. They do not seal to the face and are therefore useless in stopping both smoke and coronavirus particles.
That's why CDC researchers don't rely on simple N95 masks when touring level-4 biohazard facilities. If they did, they would likely all die. But they tell you to use N95 masks, even when they would never rely on such things themselves.
3) Hospitals were ordered by the federal government to mass murder hundreds of thousands of people… and they gladly complied
We now know with certainty that hospitals across the United States were financially incentivized to generate COVID fatalities en masse, receiving as much as $500,000 in incentives per COVID death. Federal incentives quickly transformed hospitals into murder factories where patients who merely showed flu symptoms were falsely diagnosed with COVID, intubated for a ventilator, isolated from their family members, and routinely “homicided” by the hospital which collected a large payout as a result.