Summer is moving season for millions of Americans, and many will end up relocating to an entirely different state. In the old days, such long distance moves were often prompted by an employment change or by a desire to be closer to family. But now political and ideological considerations are motivating many Americans to search for greener pastures. Just about all of us can feel that something has gone horribly wrong in this country. All around us our society is literally coming apart at the seams, and it has become exceedingly clear that great chaos is coming. It has been said that birds of a feather tend to flock together, and that is especially true during challenging times. So now we are seeing an exodus of conservatives to red states and an exodus of liberals to blue states. The following comes from an article that was recently posted by PBS entitled “Conservatives move to red states and liberals move to blue as the country grows more polarized”…
Americans are segregating by their politics at a rapid clip, helping fuel the greatest divide between the states in modern history.
One party controls the entire legislature in all but two states. In 28 states, the party in control has a supermajority in at least one legislative chamber — which means the majority party has so many lawmakers that they can override a governor’s veto. Not that that would be necessary in most cases, as only 10 states have governors of different parties than the one that controls the legislature.
This is really happening.