With everyone costs are running super high, so everyone is feeling eth pain…we know firsthand as just Tuesday we fed out 183 plates of food! WOW…this comes at a very bad time because we are in the normal summer slump in donations….the most we have ever fed in a single day was Thanksgiving 181!
I know and are very thankful for the people that already support this ministry we love you and without you nothing happens, so thankful you allow the FATHER to use you to help us!
On another note…A REAL BLESSING…a Miracle
A young mother with 4 children was about to be kicked out to the street, she had an abusive spouse and so got behind in everything after her recent child she has to breast feed because she is allergic to many over the counter formula’s and the one she needs she cannot afford…..
A Mennonite supporter has asked me for a family with children to help so I told them about this woman….
Well the Mennonite husband shocked his wife and gave $3,500 to us to directly help this young mother! Yes every dime will be spent on her and she will not be going to the street! The FATHER answered this you ladies prayer! WOW!
But we need a Miracle right now in our ministry as we are being over whelmed and I say almost because I know the FATHER will not let us down! You know we even take our own food to the Mission Church as part of those people fed Tuesday about 20 were fed from our home icebox!
Lift us in prayer, Help if you can
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Mission Church Address
900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211
Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)