Government and its research partners, such as SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), would have Americans believe that Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) is the new term to describe what has been previously termed as an Unidentified Flying Object or UFO. This conflation of the two terms is likely yet another government attempt to confuse and manipulate the American public.
Retired FBI Special Agent, John Desouza, adds credence to the late Serge Monast’s Project Blue Beam theory. Before delving into a fascinating discussion of Mr. Desouza’s FBI career, however, let’s first review the mind-bending writings of the late Serge Monast, investigative reporter from Quebec.
Monast had theorized that a four-step NASA/United Nations project would be the catalyst to create a New Age religion that would synthesize all religions into one and lead to worshipping the Antichrist in a New World Order dictatorship. As the reader will see, his theories, published and updated in 2018, are really about ultimate control of humanity using religion as the hook.
NASA would implement Project Blue Beam, Monast believed, with a system of advanced mind control as well as top secret technology in order to trick everyone into believing there’d been a second coming of sorts.