We are, dare we say, proud to report that middle school students in the Boston suburb of Burlington are fighting back against the six-colored “rainbow” brigade at their local public school.
After completely ignoring the Memorial Day holiday due to “an oversight,” teachers and administrators at Marshall Simonds Middle School held a “Pride Spirit Day” event on June 2 to celebrate LGBT perversion. Students were encouraged to wear pride gear, don flags, and basically admit that being straight, aka normal, is somehow abnormal.
A large multi-colored sign emblazoned at the school bearing a quote from homosexual playwright Tennessee Williams made normal students at Marshall Simonds feel uncomfortable as it said:
“What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it’s curved like a road through the mountains.”
The obvious implication with this quote is that being straight is abnormal, and that no human being is actually, truly straight – hence why the LGBT crowd is always trying to gay-splain that even straight people are some hidden color of their hideous rainbow deep down inside, even if they are not cognitively aware of it.