In a move that could negatively impact the overall health of women over 40, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released new draft recommendations on Tuesday urging all women to undergo x-ray mammography breast screenings every other year, starting at 40 instead of 50, as previous guidelines from 2016 recommended.
“Cause marketing” campaigns promoting x-ray mammography have been running nonstop since the inception of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in 1985. The campaigns equate “early screening” of healthy/asymptomatic women's breasts to “breast cancer prevention,” at least in the minds of those heavily influenced by pharmaceutical and medical industry propaganda.
In fact, as the advertisement image below clearly demonstrates, the “breast cancer awareness industry” is notorious for shamelessly promoting products known to cause cancer, like junk food, soda pop, toxic cosmetics and even fracking, which requires the use of dozens of carcinogenic chemicals and even radionuclides, resulting in environmental contamination. The industry slaps a pink ribbon on virtually any product or service willing to donate to its “cause,” which never addresses the root causes of the cancer epidemic. To the contrary, it even covers it up.
It is therefore no surprise that Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and all the marketing, propaganda and fundraising events that go with it, never discusses the role that mammary carcinogens play in cancer development. This includes exposure to the very same kinds of radiation used in x-ray mammography.
Indeed, there are many “hidden dangers” of mammography that every woman should know about, which is why we created a database on the subject you can consult, share and use to educate yourself further here.
Unfortunately, mainstream media, government health agencies and the medical industry foreground and even inflate the theoretical benefits of mammography without accurately representing the seriousness of its known risks. This bias violates the medical ethical principle of informed consent, which requires patients to be informed of the true risks and benefits of an intervention, in order to make an informed choice.