If Bill were an honest guy…
If Bill is really the vaccine health and safety advocate that he claims to be, he’d be:
1. Able to explain why there are over 17,000 excess death reports in VAERS for the COVID vaccines but not for any other vaccines since 2021 and why this is happening in adverse event reporting systems worldwide
2. Advocating for data transparency and calling for all countries and states to release the death-vax records as I have done
3. Calling for autopsies with the required stains to be done anytime there is an unexpected death in someone who was vaccinated
4. Criticizing the CDC for not releasing their investigation reports on vaccine related deaths. Hiding this data has no value. It will not save lives.
5. Willing to engage with experts who disagree with him in a civil debate
6. Able to explain how Martin Neil and Norman Fenton got it wrong in their brilliant analysis
7. Able to explain why the FDA ignored the Pfizer Phase 3 trial data showing the vaccines made you 2X more likely to be infected
8. Able to explain why the Cleveland Clinic study showed that the more COVID vaccines you have, the more likely you are to be infected with COVID
9. Able to explain why in the US, the states with the highest vaccination rates have the highest mortality:
10.Writing a large check to support our efforts at VSRF
11.Supporting RFK Jr. for President
12.… and much much more…
He’s doing none of these things.
Nor will he explain any of these “inconsistencies in the narrative” to his followers.
What does that tell you?
There is something very wrong here and the fact that Bill Gates is continuing to ignore the issues raised in this article should be very troubling