Title 42 is just days away from coming to an end on May 11. And according to the latest data, some 90,000 illegal aliens have rushed America’s southern border just in the past 10 days in the hopes of making it through before their time comes to an end.
U.S. Border Patrol says that 73,000 “migrants” crossed the southern border over the past 10 days, as did another 17,000 illegal “gotaways” who reportedly avoided detection and entered the country without permission.
Border Patrol makes a distinction between migrants and illegals, in this context, but because just about anyone can decide to be a “migrant,” this writer is classifying them together as one and the same – and if you self-identify as an LGBTQ migrant, you are almost guaranteed instant entry under the Biden regime’s entry policies.
Just in the last 72 hours, some 22,220 people were apprehended at all U.S. border entry points, tweeted Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz about how things are really heating up as Title 42 nears its end.
In the previous week, according to Ortiz, another 51,560 migrants were caught at America’s southern border entry points.
(Related: Part of the Biden invasion scheme involves giving free health care benefits to all these illegals rushing the border.)