The RESTRICT ACT, if passed, will allow the US government to seize any computer of any American who questions authority, narratives, elections, pandemics, vaccines, pharmaceutical drugs, climate change, or genetically modified food. This is what is written into the so-called Anti-TikTok bill, and the Democrats in Washington DC, led by the Chinese Communist Party, don’t want any Americans to realize this is the final nail in the coffin of the Republic we all once knew as a “free country.”
The RESTRICT ACT means the US government can call any American a domestic terrorist and put them in prison indefinitely for just allegedly thinking about questioning any given narrative, meaning fake news on TV will communicate the new government rules, laws, and mandates as complete communist propaganda that can never be criticized again. If anyone dares challenge the corrupt Biden Regime, their automobile’s computer, especially a self-driving one, can be seized at any moment and controlled in order to “mitigate” risk that you may be a domestic terrorist driving around with explosives and planning to bomb something, somewhere, maybe.
If AI (artificial intelligence) runs an algorithm on social media, for example, that adds up several memes someone posted about falsified election ballots by dead people and illegal immigrants, and the likelihood of the person committing a hate crime (could be anything, even just name calling) seems high, then the FBI will be informed, and they will raid the person’s house at dawn, seize all of their assets, their children, their food, their guns, their home, and it can all be based on quasi-AI.
Restrict Act allows US government to imprison anyone for anything at anytime for any reason they want, as long as they say you are countering their narrative
Do you have any cryptocurrency? If you are suspected of being a conservative, republican, patriot, or dedicated American, your money can be shut off, like a faucet, at any moment. Any cryptocurrency you have, even if encrypted, will be hacked by government goons who seize your computer and smart devices. This is written in specific and expressed language in the RESTRICT ACT.
Every realm of communication will be run by the tyrannical regime, including all e-commerce, all technology, all online retail, and all payment technology. Get it? That means they can shut down any business anywhere anytime for any reason they come up with, real or fabricated. It’s a shut-down-first, ask-questions-later style communist manifesto. Action will be taken. These insane new laws will NEVER be lifted until a complete revolution rises up and overthrows the dictatorship of the globalist cabal (world mafia).
It would govern all information and transactions in nearly every realm of communication, technology, and industrialization, including the following:
(A) artificial intelligence and machine learning;
(B) quantum key distribution;
(C) quantum communications;
(D) quantum computing;
(E) post-quantum cryptography;
(F) autonomous systems;
(G) advanced robotics;
(H) biotechnology;
(I) synthetic biology;
(J) computational biology; and
(K) e-commerce technology and services, including any electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, online retail, internet-enabled logistics, internet-enabled payment technology, and online marketplaces.
In other words, the RESTRICT ACT allows the government to seize the domain names, assets, computers, e-commerce, etc., of anyone who opposes the government’s position on anything. That means if you post something on social media that counters the climate change hoax, for instance, the US government, under the RESTRICT ACT, could seize control of the computer in your car and steer you into oncoming traffic, off the side of a cliff, or into a brick wall, all in the name of “mitigating” risk to the USA and ensuring national security!
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