Dr. Anthony Fauci used Twitter to disseminate the government’s official COVID-19 and vaccine narratives, despite testifying under oath that he had never used the social media platform, according to the latest “Twitter files,” released by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker.
Titled the “Fauci Pharma Files,” the documents also revealed that Twitter partnered with pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy chains to promote COVID-19 vaccines on the social media platform.
At a deposition in November 2022, as part of Missouri v. Biden, a lawsuit against the Biden administration, Fauci testified under oath that he had never used Twitter — a claim he has since repeated in the media.
The lawsuit, filed May 5, 2022, by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana and several medical experts, nonprofit groups and publications, alleges government officials colluded with and coerced social media platforms to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints and content” related to COVID-19.
In addition to Thacker’s revelations, which he posted Thursday on Substack, journalist Lee Fang — also on Thursday — revealed an April 13 letter from Rep. Stacey E. Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands), ranking member of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, in which Plaskett threatened another “Twitter files” journalist — Matt Taibbi — alleging Taibbi had lied under oath during his recent testimony before the subcommittee.