British soldiers with 'Iron Man-style' jetpacks flew around the harbor in New York City last month during a defense conference hosted on a Royal Navy warship.
Gravity Industries, a human flight start-up based out of the UK, released footage of two men dressed in military fatigues, presumably marines, taking off from the Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier in New York Harbour during the Atlantic Future Forum. The conference was held between Sept. 28-29 on the lead ship of the Royal Navy.
Each jet suit is powered by five gas turbine jet engines that generate 1,000 horsepower and only weigh 75 pounds. The suit runs on jet fuel, diesel or kerosene and can propel the operator forward at a top speed of 80 mph and is capable of reaching an altitude of 12,000 feet.
Gravity's video shows both jetpack operators took it easy around the harbor while the press snapped pictures and captured stunning videos.