122 plates of food served plus some other food taken away we put out! The FATHER is feeding many with HIS love, but we all have to do our part, one of my parts to do is to tell you, give you folks on this list information about what we are doing and so on and on…..
We had some supporters that have been with us for years just ether disappear and well even their newsletters they love came back one was even marked deceased…with all the sudden deaths and even considering the age of some of them older than me as I am 67 that they would be called by the FATHER.
Satan that ol Devil has been trying to stop us with many things coming at once ….
Mission Church
Where we get donations for food to give out twice a week and use some to cook and so one has not had as much since the cooks changed there, I do not know if that is reason but we do not get the same things like today it was mostly bread which the people still take!
But we need canned fruits and veggies which means an additional $60-$70 added to each meal to feed over a 100 and today we did 122…so basically about another $300 a month at current numbers…I am praying for a specific food donation to stock canned food and meat for summer before the summer slump in donations hit….
I badly need Large Print KJV Bibles, we would get more BIBLES but I do not like new age versions and we know the KJV…
Today as in the video I pray you will watch people are getting soaked coming in the rain as we need the awning extended or a bigger place but we cannot afford bigger unless major help comes I do not limit what OUR FATHER can do!
SO PRAYERS in the SON’S NAME are needed!
PRAY FOR ALL our supporters, one that gives a needed weekly donation that gets us here and back etc really ahs Satan after his finances so please lift him in prayer….as all of our supporters !
Remember we help the homeless and poor as well as people whom just come for prayers!
We finally have some things figured out one is that we are expanding it to more places that others are at like Rumble etc…we are making a transition off satellite because there is a drop in people listening that way as it’s the old fashion big satellites we are transitioning and always now are having radio guests back!
June 1st we start our 24th year of the mission church…HERE BY FAITH and your support!
Feeding one
Feeding two
Lift us in prayer, Help if you can,
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
Mailing address for donations
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Mission Church Address
900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211
Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)