Already this year Christian churches have suffered a significant increase in crime, including shootings, arson and bomb threats, according to a new report from the Family Research Council.
The organization documented 69 attacks in the first quarter of 2023, up from 15 or fewer within the same time period in the past five years, according to the Christian Post.
Churches and pro-life organizations across the world have been hit by a wave of arson, vandalism, threats and other crimes in recent years. LifeNews counted about 250 abortion-related attacks in 2022, including the shooting of an elderly pro-life woman in Michigan and the firebombing of a pregnancy resource center in New York.
Attacks on Christian churches in the United States also have almost tripled in the past four years, according to a December report from the Family Research Council. This week, the conservative organization released supplemental data that adds incidents from the first quarter of 2023 to the report.