While corporate America seems comfortable to have a biological male who makes a mockery of womanhood sell menstrual products, light beer, and sports bras, real women are saying “enough is enough.”
Posted to a social media account under the name The REAL Politically Savvy: “Today, I celebrate 15,330 days of being a woman. I’ve been pregnant 2 times (lost my 1st baby due to my below mentioned medical conditions) and gave birth to a beautiful biological baby girl that came out of my womb. I’ve had to battle polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis and adenomyosis my whole life, had to endure 8 surgeries to attempt to correct my female reproductive conditions, but ultimately had to have a hysterectomy 287 days after I gave birth to my daughter because my body had been put through so much… No man can say he has done these things because You cannot change your gender.”