Throughout the Bible, the scriptures warn about people turning away from the true God to serve new ones. Cahn points out that the book of Psalms calls this form of idolatry a “trap”. He says these “gods” are still around and they've invaded the U.S. on a spiritual level.
In the days of the gods, which were dominant evil spirits, they reigned over tribes and nations, infused people with their evil, and mastered civilizations. Kings bowed to them, priests sang their praises, and altars were built in their honor. They were worshipped and dreaded.
He says a turning point came when the gospel of Christ finally went out from the city of Jerusalem and spread throughout the land of Judea. The message of God entered the lands of many gods and idols. The message of the gospel overcame the reign of the gods. “The spell of the gods was broken,” Cahn shares.
Sexuality was to be treated as a sacred gift from God, to be honored and kept in the equally sacred vessel of marriage. Children were no longer to be abused, mistreated, or sacrificed. Government could no longer claim the authority of godhood. The gods had been cast out of their temples, their cities, and lands from Western civilization itself which represented the greatest mass exorcism in world history. The gods lost their hold, and the spirits departed.