Bob Lee, whose achievements include launching Cash App and working as CFO for Square, was murdered during a trip back to San Francisco. In 2022 Lee left the corrupt city that has become known for high taxes, pollution, and crime for the city of Miami. Lee
Jake Shields, Champion UFC fighter, knew Lee well and spoke out on Lee’s untimely death, saying Lee had talked about San Francisco’s decline.
“He did comment on San Francisco deteriorating, which is why he actually had just relocated to Miami. So I’m not, I’m not sure why he’s going back there to get a little business back in San Francisco for a couple of days.”
Shield shared his thoughts on the type of person Lee was saying,
“He was) a good human being — he added to society, he was a good person, everyone loved him. He was really respected in the tech community but never talked about his accomplishments. Other people would tell me: ‘Oh ya, Bob’s a super big deal in the tech industry. It sucks that something happened to such a good person.” Shields continued, “Sometimes we’d disagree politically, but he’s a guy who would like to discuss and hear other perspectives.”