For Fox, it is about being “on brand” and nothing more. The network doles out the conservative red meat on issues it fully knows nothing is going to be done about in order to establish credibility with its viewers as it subtly sabotages what they believe in all the usual ways.
Which means the illegal alien invasion in 2023 is the professional conservative equivalent of being “staunchly” pro-life in 1993 when abortion was nothing but a political belly dance for both parties to raise money over.
· Proven charlatan Sean Hannity decrying illegal immigration and
· George Bush, Sr., son of Planned Parenthood’s former treasurer Prescott Bush, addressing the March For Life via audio hook-up.
For those who truly valued human life then and do so now, such manipulation can be utterly deflating.
Two extremely interesting recently published articles shed light on what patriotic citizens must eventually face up to. The Republican Party and its aligned corporate wing do not care about the American people. At all. And that is not going to change.
Paul Dragu is communications director of The John Birch Society. On Dec. 26, he penned a piece that seems impossible for the honest-minded objective observer to refute.
He started by quoting JBS founder Robert Welch from 1958. The effect is powerful, for it becomes immediately clear upon reading Welch’s words that they could very well have been spoken last week:
“Modern man is simply being played for a sucker by an immoral gang of sophisticated criminals. These cunning megalomaniacs seek to make themselves the absolute rulers of the human race….
“Although they now occupy most of the positions of great prestige and influence in Washington, London, and Paris, as well as in the educational, financial, and publishing circles of the whole world, their power rests entirely on bluff, pretense, and deception.
“Their success and their purposes are contrary to the whole current of human history. They are sitting precariously on the gigantic powder keg of all honest human emotions. Despite their arrogant assurance on the contemporary scene, they are well aware that sooner or later, the whole flamework of their cruel power will be blown pieces by a mighty uprising of the incalculable forces of man’s moral principles, love for freedom, and common sense. How soon that day of delivery comes will depend on you.”