In the 20th century there was a dramatic moral and spiritual paradigm shift in this land. Over time, and virtually unnoticed by most Christians, the word and concept of sin disappeared from our culture and from most of the pulpits in this land.
During the most dangerous spiritual freefall in this nation’s 246-year history, the vast majority of the 400,000 preachers and priests rarely preached on sin, the spiritual poison that affects us all.
I believe that silence was the major cause of this nation’s moral and spiritual disintegration and the descent into the abyss of every kind of sin and immorality known to man.
That silence also created a spiritual and moral vacuum in the souls of millions of Americans who know nothing about sin because preachers no longer warn them about sin.
The result is that if the American people have no knowledge of sin, there will be no conviction, if no conviction, no repentance.
A 2020 survey by the Center for Public Affairs Research of the University of Chicago Divinity School corroborated my research. Their survey found that less than 10 percent of sermons preached in evangelical churches even mention the subjects of hell, sin, salvation, or heaven. I am sure the numbers would be far less in the mainline denominations.
“A person, attending every service in an evangelical church for two months straight, would have less than a ten-percent chance of hearing a phrase that included the words hell and redemption, two of the most distinctive words that characterize evangelical beliefs,” the Divinity School surveyors reported.