In 2009 1,079 emails between climate scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in the United Kingdom and others working with them, were leaked. This small group of scientists had been the most influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming. Their emails proved that they were engaged in unethical practices, such as tampering with data and keeping scientists who disagreed with them out of the peer review system.
These leaked email documents revealed discussions between these men about how they could manipulate data to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period, which extended from about 950 AD to 1250 AD. They revealed that this group also considered tactics to prevent the release of the data on which the IPCC’s conclusions were based: data requested by other scientists under Freedom of Information (FOI) laws. In Britain, failure to release FOI-requested data is a criminal offense. Phil Jones, head of the Climate Research Unit, claimed to have lost large chunks of this data.
Two years later, in 2011, 5000 more emails were leaked, in what is now called Climategate II. These were even more startling and incriminating than the 1,079 released in 2009. Myron Ebell commented, “If there were any doubts remaining after reading the first Climategate emails, the new batch of emails that appeared on the web today [November 22] make it clear that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an organized conspiracy dedicated to tricking the world into believing that global warming is a crisis that requires a drastic response.”
This, in itself, should have been the end of the global warming fiasco. Unfortunately, it was all covered up.