The floodgates of Sodom and Gomorrah have seemingly swung wide open in the past two years. The spirit of antichrist is pervading our nation, hating the things of God. Many of our leaders now advocate for and defend such abominable behavior as same-sex marriage and gay rights. They are staunch supporters of transgenderism, which is nothing but a lie from hell. Those who flaunt this ungodly lifestyle are sold out and devoted to taking this lie as far as it can go, and reaching our children, the next generation, through our education system.
They don’t care if a biological male goes into a girl’s public bathroom under the disguise of being a female. I say disguise because there is no such thing as “transgender.” It’s a made-up word by a godless culture that openly defies God’s unique creation of male and female. Every infant in every hospital in every state, and indeed the whole world, is born genetically a “boy” or a “girl.”
Look at what’s happening in our schools. Children are the battleground of culture change. Textbooks that talk about altering gender identities for children as early as first and second grade are out there spreading the perverted agenda of the LGBTQ lobby. Can you believe the uproar that came from a company like Disney when the state of Florida banned such horrendous material? What kind of people want the minds of innocent young children who have no idea of what sex and gender even mean to be exposed to such garbage?