A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found that the vast majority of both Biden and Trump voters were easily tricked into taking a suicide shot falsely labeled the “covid-19 vaccine.”
According to the poll, 91% of Biden voters took at least one of the jabs, most likely because those who support Biden are obedient, oblivious NPCs who blindly trust government and corporations with their lives, even when those governments and corporations are quite literally trying to exterminate them.
Orange Man Bad, but Orange Man’s vaccine GOOD…
Interestingly, 66% of Trump voters also took the jabs, no doubt stemming from the fact that Trump fraudulently promoted the vaccines as safe and effective after launching Operation Warp Speed to rush untested, unsafe vaccines into widespread adoption.
See the results of the survey here (PDF). (Go to page 67 for vaccine results.)
The upshot of this survey? Both Biden and Trump supporters are remarkably gullible when it comes to vaccines, with Biden supporters proving to be far more gullible than Trump supporters.
The lesson here? Just because your “leader” tells you to go jump off a cliff doesn’t mean you should do it.
Independents achieved the highest rejection of covid-19 vaccines, with 39% saying they took no shots whatsoever. This confirms that political independents are, indeed, true to their philosophy of thinking for themselves some of the time (although 61% actually took the jab, which means they aren’t as independent as they would like to believe).
College-educated liberal white women shown to be the most gullible and compliant with vaccine propaganda
The survey reveals something quite fascinating. While men, Blacks and Hispanics all caught on and largely stopped taking the fraudulent covid-19 vaccine after the first or second dose, White liberal women (college-educated / indoctrinated) continued to remain shockingly obedient to the covid-19 propaganda and demanded three or more doses.
From the study, while only 42% of Hispanics took three jabs, and 55% of Blacks took three jabs, and even White college-educated men only had 58% compliance with three jabs, White women with college degrees (i.e. liberal women) showed 70% compliance with triple jabs.