The entire planet is being deliberately plunged into a global famine nightmare, achieved via geoengineering programs carried out by world governments trying to achieve global depopulation.
That’s the warning from Dane Wigington of, a site dedicated to the scientific investigation of the global “kill switch” portfolio of technologies being used to control weather and cause the collapse of the world’s life-sustaining biosphere.
The simultaneous droughts, floods and freak weather events we are observing right now across the globe are not natural weather events, Wigington warns. They are “engineered” weapons being deployed against humanity under the cover of blaming “climate change.”
In today’s Situation Update podcast, we feature a full one-hour interview with Dane Wigington, where we delve into the multiple vectors of global attack on the food supply, the biosphere, phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems and life as we know it on planet Earth. This is a rare conversation between two science-educated individuals who understand the truth about global depopulation and engineered mass starvation, weather weaponization, chemtrails, terraforming and the war on life.