Fox News reported earlier this year that, on Jan. 31, 2020, Dr. Kristian Andersen, a noted virologist at the Scripps Lab, “privately told Fauci that after discussion with his colleagues some of Covid-19’s features look possibly engineered and the ‘genome is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.’ ”
“Hours later,”, the report continued, “Fauci hastily organized a call with dozens of worldwide virologists, and notes from the meeting obtained by Special Report reveal that suspicions of the lab leak theory were suppressed over concerns of how the public would react to news of possible Chinese government involvement.”
Cohen continued: “Over the course of the pandemic, Fauci has been instrumental in getting social media networks and Big Tech to censor anyone spreading ‘misinformation’ about vaccines or lab leak ‘conspiracy theories’ while spreading misinformation himself to America and the world who relied on his trusted medical and ‘scientific’ opinions.
“Talk about a hypocrite! Has Fauci … and/or the scientific research community benefited financially or otherwise protecting China throughout the pandemic? And did Fauci commit perjury before Congress when claiming his financial disclosures were public information?
“This is where the FBI should be directing its attention — at real domestic threats such as those responsible for the Covid-19 pandemic.”