Dear Heavenly Father:
We ask you to forgive our sins and the sins of our family, the sins of The Prophecy Club, Spirit of Prophecy Church, Prophetic Oil, Joseph's Kitchen and FastGap team.
We put on our full armor of God, the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, loins of the truth and the feet of the gospel. We pick up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.
We ask you to place your ministering, protecting, and guardian angels all around us, our family, our finances, our possessions so that no harm or evil would befall us.
We plead the blood of Jesus over our body, soul, spirit, mind, subconscious, subliminal areas and all communications coming to, from, around and concerning us.
We ask you to lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and doing evil, keep your hand upon us, enlarge our coasts and ministries and bless us indeed.
Help us to walk in your agape love, joy and peace; long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.
Let us hear your VOICE, be clothed in your humility. Give us wisdom and help us make 100% correct decisions today.
We cast off all attacks spiritual and non-spiritual, legal and non-legal.
We cast off spirits of scorpion, Jezebel, infirmity, strife, anger, bad reputation/credit for us and The Prophecy Club.
In the Name of Jesus, I cast off all attacks from all evil, including all authorities. I ask that you place your ministering, protecting and guardian angels around Stan, Leslie,
The Prophecy Club, Spirit of Prophecy Church, Joseph's Kitchen, Prophetic Oil and all those associated with them.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Scriptural Declarations!
We plead together: and declare that The Prophecy Club, The Spirit of Prophecy Church, Sevenfold Miracle Crusades, PROPHETIC OIL, Joseph's Kitchen, Fastrack and Partakers are justified by Your Word and Blood. (Isaiah 43:26)
No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we condemn. (Isaiah 54:17)
We “shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.” (Psalms 118:17)
Daily Prayer For Pres. Trump:
Put your ministering, protecting and guardian angels around President Trump and protect him his family, staff, presidency and kingship from all harm and evil.
Give him 4 more years.
Help him kick out the serpents and scorpions!
Expose all tricks, traps, traitors, impeachment, and assassination attempts and stop them.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen
I send out the ministering, protecting, guardian angels to destroy evil in principalities, powers and rulers of darkness and evil in high places!
I specifically send out the angel/s of Revelation 9:1 and 20:1 who have the key of the bottomless pit to the [DUMBS] deep underground military bases the Moloch and Baal worshippers who torture, kill, eat and drink the blood of humans in sacrifice to their god! I pray you destroy their hiding places even those deep in the earth especially their high technology used for evil purposes. Cause their empire of murder, evil sex, molesting children, sex trafficking of humans, distributing drugs and stealing money around the world to be found, arrested, indicted and swift hard justice to be served this year!
I pray you help righteousness to find and serve justice beginning in your house and extending to the top of the pyramid of evil. Help America to “turn from our wicked ways” so you can heal our land.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
FastGap Fasting Prayer of Agreement
It only takes about 2 minutes to pray through this:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Continue to speak to the hearts of Americans to repent and turn to you.
Speak Donald J. Trump's heart to call for all Americans to pray for America; begin going back to Church and ask them openly to receive Jesus!
Give Trump the key to begin the Great American Revival without the great judgment falling on America!
Cause the election to be certified and Donald Trump to become the Commander in Chief and President of our Republic along with a great sweep of righteous Republicans to replace the
evil in our House of Representatives, Senate and White House.
Cause the Republicans to have all the legislation ready to introduce the first day removing the bad laws and bringing a clean sweep of righteous laws back to back continually to clean our nation.
Cause those appointments that Trump chooses to be the RIGHT people, the RIGHTEOUS people for the job.
Cause them all to be confirmed.
Help America cleanse itself by arresting thousands of evil people who have broken the law. Bring swift justice to all and help our nation heal!
Help those running America, especially those in the White House, Congress and Supreme Court
Don't hit America with a volcano eruption, tsunamis and great destruction!
Cause the massive arrests to be complete and successful without retaliation by war or suitcase nukes!
We Pray for Donald Trump
1. Not to be taken out
2. To accept Jesus as Lord
3. To be a righteous leader and clean America
Give us a great revival with as little difficulty to bring it as possible.
Don't let America force Israel to give the Palestinians a State!
Don't split America!
We ask you to help:
The U.S. Dollar stay strong
Prophecy Club people prepared for the future.
All live by faith
No true believer will fall to deceptions
We ask you STOP:
…Censorship of truth
…aborted babies pain and murder
…stop the mass murders.
…false teachers in the church
…Hate and conflict for those in Jesus.
We ask you TO:
…if America splits Israel make the earthquake a small one
…soften the judgments you won't delay
…turn America back to Jesus!
…Carry us through the end times
…strengthen our nation
…Bring justice to our government, banking, education, business, media and Churches.
We ask you to GIVE:
…US righteous leadership
…America more time
We ask you to BRING:
…justice to the Maui fire
Don’t let:
…another virus be released
…our water be poisoned
…America be split from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico
…our allies to be hit by N. Korea or Iran.
…Your Church be deceived by demons/Aliens to bring the Antichrist and False Prophet.
…the second snake bite come.
We ask you to STOP:
…The three levels of evil:
…One: Free Masons, Illuminati
…Two: world leaders, sorcerers and wealthy with the Nephilim the Fallen One's offspring.
…Three: those long-thought dead from the wealthiest bloodlines
…destruction of our food supplies
…death of the Dollar
…Earthquake Weapons
…Suitcase Nukes
…sodomizing of children
…blackmail in America
…dollar dying
…water being poisoned
…attacks on Berkey water filters
…Climate Change
…Scalar Wave!
…Adrenochrome harvesting!
…Panda Eyes! (Sodomizing children)
…Christian Persecution
…Removal of free speech
…Electrical shutdowns.
…Invasion of our borders
…Corrupt media
…China to attack Taiwan.
…America to split Israel
…New Madrid Earthquake
…Russian Bear to rampage
…internet to become totally controlled by evil
…food, water shortages
…Evil used to force the Mark of the Beast
…clones and cloning
…Time machine
…looking glass
…cloning machines
…spirit-sucking machines
…scalar wave machines
…Moloch, Baal, Ashtoreth, Samael, Abaddon, Azazael and Thoth.
…giants, Nephilim, and the mutants.
…Underground EVIL trains
…attacks on Donald J. Trump
…Iran and other countries from selling oil in another currency crashing the dollar.
…headline this year reading, “Omer Ushers in Palestinian State”
…Fall of America anytime soon!
…Meteor causing an American Tsunami
We ask for:
…mercy and more time.
…great revival
…keep the way of the Lord.
…Justice for January 6
…Donald Trump back in charge of our nation
…release the soul-winning funds to your Kingdom
We ask you to:
…Clean and purify our nation!
…forgive America's sins!
…free us of Baal and Moloch worshipers
…Give President Trump 4 more years
…Reveal the Antichrist and False Prophet
…Reveal the date the internal revolution will start
…protect those in danger
…the release of the giants and three days of darkness
…the Season of Sorrow
…suitcase nukes
…Russia defeating America
…Protesters Burning Cities
…America being disarmed
…Dumitru’s Internal Revolution Starting
We ask you to CAUSE:
…cause America to bless Israel at every opportunity
In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Arafat in hospital
April 15, 2002, Dream to Leslie Johnson, points:
· Arafat will die in Hospital [Fulfilled 11-11-04 3:30 a.m.]
· Palestinians will be given a State.
· Oil will be discovered in Israel
· Israel will strengthen military
· Israel & USA will go against Islam…
Headlines to the fall of America
January 22, 2006, Dream/Audible voice to Leslie Johnson, points:
· Omer Ushers In Palestinian State
· Catastrophe Hits America
· One of America’s Greatest Times of Need
· Israel Refuses to Help America
· Israel is Attacked, America Sends Troops
· Chaos Reins As Americans Protest Help to Israel
[Americans became furious. They were mad at the US Government, Jews, and the Muslims.]
Then I heard Stan’s voice saying, “It will start with an Internal Revolution…
Chris Reed, March 25, 2022
Angel stands holding a Fifty-dollar bill tears off one-third:
The U.S. Dollar Drops 30 Percent in Value Subtitle: Middle Eastern Oil Strikes Deal With China Instead Of The U.S.
The Perfect Storm Subtitle: Inflation Reaches a New High
Food Shortage Crisis as Wheat and Bread Imports Are At A Stalemate
Angel stands holding a Fifty-dollar bill tears it in HALF:
Riots And Civil Unrest as Citizens Demand Entitlement Checks an earthquake happened under my feet
Israeli And Palestinian Two-State Solution Reached
Major Earthquake Hits the Middle of The U.S
America in Pieces Subtitled: More States Secede from The Nation in Rebellion to The Federal Government
U.S Military Takes Charge as Uncertainty Looms Over the Federal Government
a new dollar bill like a cell phone with George Washington's face on it, New Currency for A Renewed Nation
Simplicity Restored as Americans Began to Grow Their Own Food Again