Gaza has been a launching pad for the Jew-killing Islamic terrorists since 1939. When Israel removed its presence from Gaza nearly 20 years ago. Hamas took the hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid provided by Israel, America and the UK and invested them in 300 miles of military tunnels thirty feet below the earth’s surface and turned all of Gaza into a military base targeting Israeli citizens for death – a war crime. While death is not an appropriate reward for stupidity or even malice, the fact that Gazans made Hamas their elected government, and still in their majority support their genocidal holy war against the Jews, and have failed to organize a significant resistance to the Hamas atrocities – is collusion with the enemy and betrayal of humanity.
Is it appropriate to refer to Hamas and its terrorist allies as “Islamic Nazis”? The call to jihadists to exterminate the Jews as a religious obligation comes directly from the prophet Mohammed and has been part of their sacred scripture for 1500 years: Here is how it is rendered in the original Hamas charter: “The day of judgement will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say ‘O Muslim, O Abdullah there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”