Following the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination attempt, a visibly angry Klaus Schwab told WEF members that they must keep trying to assassinate Trump and if they miss, “shoot shoot shoot until the job is done.”
We then revealed the existence of a WEF memo circulated among members revealed a three-point plant to take out the 45th President of the United States before the November election – and the plot against America is playing out exactly as we warned.
Now insiders are warning the elite are planning a terrorist-style dirty bomb attack at a Trump rally to provide the shock and awe necessary to terrorize the population into a state of confusion and allow them to implement their agenda.
The mainstream media are desperately trying to suppress this information, just as they did after the first assassination attempt, because it implicates those at the very top of the globalist hierarchy.
We’ve got the inside scoop and all the details coming up.
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The mainstream media attempted to gaslight the public after the Butler Park assassination attempt, reporting on “loud bangs” at the rally rather than gunshots, and trying to deny there was an attempt on Trump’s life.
Some things don’t change. Following gunfire at Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course on Sunday, the media immediately went into damage control mode, trying to control the narrative and suppress the truth.
Barack Obama rewrote the law to allow the mainstream media to propagandize the American people, but unfortunately for the media, they they are no longer the sole source of information.
They can no longer control the narrative and mislead the public on the scale the globalist elite require to hold onto total power.
Thanks to independent investigators and citizen journalists at the scene of the assassination attempt yesterday, the mainstream media was quickly forced to backtrack and report on some degree of truth.
This was not gang-related gun fire in West Palm Beach, this was the second assassination attempt on President Trump in less than two months.
The globalist elite left their fingerprints all over the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Park, Pennsylvania. The second attempt in West Palm is even more egregious.
The elite have been exposed, they are desperate, and they need something massive to steal the elections and lock humanity in the totalitarian prison they have been planning for decades.
In July, we warned the WEF was unleashing a wave of stochastic terrorism around the Western world to destabilize society and terrorize the public into compliance with their agenda.
Ryan Routh, the alleged shooter, was recruited by the elite, in the open, before our very eyes.
Watch the start of this interview with the globalist patsy and ask yourself if you have ever heard a fifty-something man spout so much brainwashed garbage in such a short space of time.
Stochastic terrorism works when the media, operating on behalf of their paymasters in the global elite, incites extreme and irrational hatred of Donald Trump, thus inspiring lone actors to commit unpredictable, yet statistically inevitable, assassination attempts.
In 1984, Orwell called it “Two Minutes Hate”, the daily period during which members of the Outer and Inner Party of Oceania had to watch a propaganda film about a boogeyman called Goldstein designed to stir up their hatred.
Replace Goldstein’s name with Trump, and we’re witnessing the same social conditioning by the elites — and liberals are falling for it completely.
But it hasn’t worked and the elite as November gets ever nearer, the elite are becoming impatient. This is an election they cannot afford to lose if they are to finalize their agenda – not to mention, keep themselves out of prison.
That’s why Schwab and his lieutenants have ordered the initiation of Plan C – a dirty bomb terrorist attack.
According to WEF insiders, things are about to get very crazy, very fast.
In May this year, we warned that a leaked World Economic Forum memo had Donald J. Trump at the top of a “hit list” to be assassinated within the next two months if he continued proving impossible to control.
The mainstream media and controlled opposition called us conspiracy theorists and fake news.
As usual, they were proved wrong within a matter of months with the incidents at Butler and West Palm.
We are exposing the agenda of the elite and bringing you tomorrow’s news today and the attacks on Trump prove how urgent it is for people to wake up and listen.
According to Edward Snowden, there is something of a Lee Harvey Oswald vibe to Routh and it’s unlikely the White Houses’ agencies can claim zero contact or “clean hands.”
Snowden isn’t wrong. The elite’s fingerprints are all over this one.
Routh has a history of popping up wherever the elite are doing their dirty work.
He appeared in a promotional video for the Azov Battalion – the openly neo-Nazi brigade backed by the Biden administration in Ukraine.
Routh even went as far as recruiting Afhgan soldiers “who fled the Taliban” to fight for Ukraine, according to the New York Times, who wrote a glowing profile about his efforts in 2023.
How did we get to this point when the mainstream media are praising a man who appears in neo-Nazi promotional videos and recruits Taliban soldiers to fight for the Biden administration in proxy wars?
It all comes back to the New World Order’s war on American sovereignty.
The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare failed spectacularly, so just as we warned, the global elite initiated Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the November election by. any. means. necessary.
Unfortunately for the elite, Plan B has also failed and those on the inside at the WEF are warning that Schwab and his globalist cronies are prepared to initiate Plan C.
According to the insiders, the elite want to create a 9/11-style event, something so massive and shocking that people are too overwhelmed to question the narrative.
The goal, according to leaked intelligence, is to blame Iran for the attack, providing the selected not elected Harris administration with a pretext to launch a military invasion in 2025 and a full-scale war with Russia.
We’ve seen this before — manufacturing a boogeyman to push a geopolitical agenda. It’s cynical, calculated, and dangerous and it began when George Bush Sr announced the birth of the New World Order in 1991.
Make no mistake, we are fighting the New World Order right now. They are out in the open, they are desperate, and they know they will be removed unless they manage to remove Trump first.
Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the global elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel on Rumble, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content. We can’t do it without you.
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