1. These entities are extra-dimensional in nature, which is why they can appear out of nowhere, but be solid. Fallen angels have spiritual bodies, which means that they can be physical, or they can be like the wind or spirit (pneuma).
2. They are subject to the name of Jesus Christ. This shows a nature that is both spiritual and evil. What they are doing is evil, but invoking the presence of God stops them.
3. The Bible speaks of angels (the fallen variety) that were taking human women for sexual intercourse (totally against God's commandment), and had created a hybrid race known as nephilim both before (to the greater degree) and after the Flood.
4. It is MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE TO USE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST when you are already an active Christian and have the presence of God already in your life. Plus, if you are living a real Christian life, then it closes the doors that unclean spirits have to take control of your life. It works much better to call on Jesus if you already know Jesus. Otherwise, you might need help is getting free and need to contact a ministry that is knowledgeable enough in spiritual warfare to help you.
5. Biblical evidence shows that the coming man Antichrist and False Prophet (both known as beasts) will be a blending of both human and fallen angelic nature. He ascends out of the Abyss (and those angels are there for the sin of sexual relations with human women), and he denies the god of his fathers and has the eyes of a man (which shows a human heritage also).
6. The Bible tells us that these two will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire over 1000 years before anyone else, and will not stand before God in the Great White Judgment as all other lost human beings. The Bible tells us that it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment. But they are cast into the Lake of Fire alive. They are not men, but they have a human-like body to seem like men. They are a fallen angel-human hybrid or nephilim.
7. Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man (I recognize that they were unaware when the flood came, but there is more to it which is why Jesus used both Noah and Lot as examples). Before Jesus returns to this Earth, things will be much as it was in those days of Noah. When you see what is going on in the days of Noah, there is violence and evil in man continually because his bloodline has been corrupted. Only Noah and his family found favor or was purely human and not blended. This was the hallmark of Noah's Days.
8. It would seem that since that time thousands of years ago, there has been a genetic program going on trying to make angel-human nephilim hybrids seem more human and be more of a human size with human features (rather than being giants because the original angels were the Warrior Angels who were extremely tall by human standards). This is part of the last days deception that will come at the end of this age.
9. UFOs and alien abductions are directly connected to the events predicted in Last Days Prophecy in the Bible. There will be signs in the skies that will make people have heart failure. Some think that not only a human-like Antichrist who will be the contact man between these “aliens” and humanity who will lead the world into basically a kind of Satan Worship (worshiping the Dragon), but that he will have a group of these hybrid beings as backup to help bring in a New World Order.
10. I have taken note of two major types of people who seem to be the primary focus of this demonic attention.
One are those who have a “call of God” to ministry on their lives. Many times the attacks will begin when the person is young or before they have had the chance to grow in Christ. This seems to be an attempt to corrupt a spiritual gift in order to turn it toward evil.
The other group is those who have a background in New Age or occultism. These open doors for demonic attacks and in fact, most who have regular abduction experiences are given New Age ideas and messages to go and preach to the world. It is the beginning of the last days lie.
Having said that, anyone can be attacked in this way in the end, even if your DNA looks interesting to them in their attempts to make a more humanlike hybrid. It is just that these two groups are just more of interest to dark forces. But anyone can suffer this kind of violation to their bodies and souls.