“Every day before dawn there is a ‘dawn alert’ procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night.
“Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.
“Each scenario has a clear procedure. For example, a procedure for infiltrating terrorists, a procedure for taking hostages. Everything is written in blood and has been proving itself for years.
“There are several other layers of security that this is not the place to talk about. In short, we are talking about an obstacle that proves itself for years and years.
“So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?
“How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?
“How did hundreds of terrorists and civilians cross the barrier without anyone on our side lifting a finger?
“How did terrorists arrive on foot and in vehicles, armed from head to toe, to dozens of Israeli settlements, without any reaction from our side?
“How did hundreds of terrorists stay in Israeli territory for long hours, shoot hundreds of Israelis, loot property, without there being even a single reaction on our side?
“How did it happen that hundreds of terrorists kidnapped dozens of Israelis, woke women, children, babies, old people from their deaths, surprised soldiers, officers when they were not ready, and kidnapped them to Gaza, without anyone stopping them?
“How is it that one bullet was not fired?
“How did all this happen under our noses?
“Where did an entire division go?
“Where did 3 brigades go?
“Who swallowed 9 battalions?
“What happened to 36 companies?
“Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?
“Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army?
“Where did thousands of soldiers go???
“Someone here needs to provide explanations!!”