The first media intelligence happened on January 14, 2008. As with numerous of these UFO happenings, it takes a small number of days to get the discussion out. Once a national opening picks up on the story, and there is few happening that week, it suddenly intensify and became a big alluring story. Once the broadcast about a UFO event hit the broadcasting frequencies, things immensely change and took off. It rapidly became a media all-star sensation with all of the radio broadcasting frequencies and cable networks conversing about the event alluring UFO occurrences. All of the eyewitnesses, small town writers, and big names UFO investigators became popular like celebrities. The advertising of the UFO occurrence then prompted even more intelligence of UFOs, as people looked up towards the sky and saw anything from sun to stars.
New details on the Stephenville TX UFO incident were presented. Roomers also arise and steered up the society. When MUFON appeared for their town gathering and meeting about the strange occurrences, they were seemingly bombarded with issues from various different places and dates that also experience unnatural occurrences. Requests of information as well as data were made from the military, if government specifically the army had an explanation about the unclear sightings that happened in Stephenville TX.