As predicted by a number of independent geopolitical commentators, including ourselves, the emerging official narrative on why Ukraine's counteroffensive ended in failure will be to falsely claim the West didn't provide “enough” weapons in a timely fashion. Despite the literally tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars sunk into Kiev's war effort at record-breaking pace and scale, it will be the “fault” of the United States and its allies—or at least this will be solidified as the Ukrainian government's perspective and narrative (and then will be parroted among Zelensky's most diehard hawkish supporters).
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has this week been busy advancing this as a key talking point, first telling CNN's Fareed Zakaria on Sunday his country “waited too long” to start counteroffensive. The reason? He blames the West for forcing his military leaders to wait so long for the necessary weaponry and equipment.
“We — look, we waited too long. It’s true. No, I’m thankful to partners, to the United States, EU, other partners,” Zelensky said. “I’m thankful very much to President Biden and to Congress, but we have to understand: We waited too long, they put mines.”