During their investigation, the state police discovered the women worked for GBI Strategies. This was included in their police report. The group had temporary offices in numerous Michigan locations. The police also identified Gary Bell as the head of the organization.
When the police inspected the GBI Strategies office near Muskegon they found semiautomatic guns, silencers/suppressors, burner phones, a bag of pre-paid cash cards, and incomplete registrations, in an office space that was styled as an eyeglasses store that had gone defunct.
There were never any arrests. And the investigation was turned over to the FBI where it went to die, just like all of the other Democrat voter fraud investigations. Back in November 2020 Bill Barr appointed a notorious DOJ attorney who covered up voter fraud crimes.
There has always been unanswered statistical irregularities about absentee ballots from the 2020 election. These irregularities suggest massive, systemic, voter fraud among absentee ballots. Viewing the percentage of the vote each candidate won from absentee voters precinct by precinct, one can see a very suspicious correlation between the candidates in 2020 that does not exist in 2016. This suggests there was major electronic manipulation of votes combined with the physical ballots placed to back up those fraudulent votes.
There is no argument that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a far-left Democrat, sent out absentee ballot requests without a legal request on file to every voter. There is no argument that Benson then used illegal interpretations of the law to presume that all voter signatures were a ‘match’ between the signatures on file and the ones on the ballots, even when they didn’t match.
Using COVID as the pretext, Democrats set the stage for scores of absentee ballots that would never receive scrutiny as to whether they were valid or not.
And even if some illegal ballots were caught by challengers or honest poll workers, most challenged ballots in left-wing jurisdictions were routinely ignored. 2020 Voter Fraud witnesses repeatedly noted that the ballot challenging process was ignored and suppressed.
Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is herself a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit: “My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens. Many were sent to people who had moved out of state.”
This glut of insecure and accessible ballots, which could even be sent to third-party addresses or sent to addresses abroad, was ripe for fraud.
And the one company that was active in Michigan and who, according to the police report from the Muskegon Police, engaged in such fraud was GBI Strategies.
GBI Strategies LLC is a left-wing campaign consulting company run by Gary Bell with a mailing address in Alexandria, Virginia. A quick online search also shows that GBI Strategies, LLC is located in Tennessee. Gary Bell has a limited presence online. He keeps a low profile despite his impressive resume.
According to Compmo Group Gary Bell manages over 70 “organizing operations” in 20 states and lends logistical and consulting support to another 7 states.
Bell brags about managing 70 different campaigns and worksites simultaneously. Bell also brags about doing “IE’s” or “Independent Expenditure” campaigns for groups whose spending on campaign-related actions would not otherwise be disclosed or publicly available.
Bell appears to be part of the campaign-world ‘deep state’ on the left: the ones actually getting left-wing candidates into office.