Under Michigan law, a voter’s residence must be the location they actually reside at more than half of the year. Voters must be residents of the state. Voters are not supposed to be automatically registered. The Michigan Secretary of State is supposed to use databases to help determine who has moved out of state. Under Michigan law, a voter who is absent from their home must have a functioning mailing address for the postmaster to forward their ballots. Instead, ballots are being mailed directly to addresses selected by the voter.
There were 47 remaining voter registrations left at Cherry Lane for the 2022 election, of which 8 cast absentee ballots. There were 50 registrations in the 2020 election, and 15 absentee ballots coming from the non-existent Cherry Lane. At least 9 absentee ballots were cast in the 2016 general election from this non-existent street.
Of the 47, all but two registered to vote after the 2005-2010 tear down of the apartments, meaning that most of the registrations were not accurate residential addresses at the time they registered. A 99 year old woman, born in 1923, was registered at this address, a former college dorm, in 2012 when she was 89 years old and 7 years after the apartments were torn down.
The average age of these people casting ballots from a former college address is 62, considerably older than the average age of Michigan State students.
Interestingly many of the Cherry Lane ballots are being sent abroad, including ballots sent to Madrid in Spain, France, Canada, and Brazil. These could be U.S. citizens living abroad, or they could be voters living beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. prosecutors able to indict anyone for voter fraud. So far, email from TGP to the voters in question have gone unanswered.
The ballot being sent to France is addressed to Richard Ruble, who appears to have been a European professor since at least 2008. Ruble registered to vote at Cherry Lane in 2012 and voted absentee in the 2016 primary and general election and the 2020 general election.
One of the ballots being sent to Canada is addressed to Inez McCreery who appears to be a Canadian substitute teacher and have owned a Canadian garlic farm since at least 2014.
The Michigan clerks and Secretary of State will permanently mail these foreign addresses live U.S. ballots until the voters tell them to stop, on the assumption they were valid voters when they registered.