The proposed annual defense bill has all sorts of controversial nuggets in it, from requiring the Pentagon to cease paying for transgender medical care for soldiers to the expulsion of all diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives throughout the DOD. But the one morsel that has caught my attention has largely been ignored by the media.
The House bill provides funding for an independent Inspector General (IG) for aid sent to Ukraine. In other words, basic oversight of what happens to the money.
In and of itself, this shouldn’t make front-page news; what is interesting is the White House’s vehement opposition to the provision.
Earlier this week, the White House demanded that the language for the independent IG be removed from the bill. The question that requires answering is; Why?
On Monday, the White House said they oppose a Special Inspector General for Ukraine aid. With allocations for it in the House’s proposed bill, this position was modeled after the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.