Tucker Carlson: Last week, a whistleblower produced WhatsApp? Messages from Hunter Biden proving that at the very least, his father knew about his influence pedaling businesses abroad and probably participated in them…
…So a whistleblower produces a text message showing that Joe Biden was in the room with his son when his son was selling influence to an enemy power. The Chinese government and ABC’s take on it. Joe Biden is a father first, take it or leave it. What accounts for a response like that? Well, that’s the way you talk when you’ve got nothing to fear from an upcoming presidential election. You don’t even bother to think of an excuse for your candidate because you don’t need to. Your country has electronic voting machines. Joe Biden got 81,282,916 votes in 2020, and you’re pretty sure he can do it again. In fact, you know he can’t. You’re not worried,
The RINO Republicans and FOX News pundits are still pretending that we have free and fair elections. Any child could out debate Joe Biden. But if you’re stealing elections it doesn’t matter.