It’s time someone takes responsibility for the election administration mess that Wisconsin has experienced over the last 10-15 years.
The following election integrity legal, ethical, and administrative matters, that can clearly have an effect on elections, have occurred under the current Administrator’s watch since 2019:
1. Refusal to follow Wisconsin election law in 2019 to remove names from the Wis Vote database (ERIC) of those individuals that hadn’t voted in 4 years and may not have lived at the address of record. A lawsuit by democrats was successful to keep these names on the list and approximately 69,000 of them voted in 2020. Subsequently, in 2021, 205,000 names were removed.
2. Nearly 2 million voters allegedly voted absentee in 2020 with a sparse rejection rate of .002% or 4,270 statewide due, in part, to Clerks curing absentee ballots that were missing statutory requirements.
3. Nearly 1 million people woke up in Wisconsin one day before the 2020 election and registered to vote. Statistically impossible.
4. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in July of 2022 that the 2020 elections were administered outside the law using Zuckerberg absentee ballot drop boxes making the results illegitimate. Hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots were deposited into these illegal absentee ballot drop boxes.
5. Special Voting Deputy election law for long term care facilities was not followed in 2020 with guidance from the Administrator showing a registered voter turnout of 98% in some cases, when a 2-3% registered voter turnout is normal for long term care facilities.
6. Voter registration for all 72 counties increased at almost the same exact rate in 2020.
7. Possible coding of voter registration forms identifying party affiliation with a non-profit group(s) in 2020.
8. Use of an illegal voter registration form that asks for gender, ethnicity and party affiliation.
9. Over 17,000 absentee ballot requests from a voter that did not live at the mailing address.
10. Non-existent military people’s voting data was created out of thin air and an absentee ballot was mailed to an address of a legislator.
11. Reported a nearly 94% (3.3 million out of 3.6 million) registered voter turnout in 2020 for all 72 counties. Statistically impossible.
This list is a bare minimum. There are countless other examples that are just as egregious as these.