NATO is all in to defeat Russia in Ukraine because they want to “send a message” to China and other nations throughout the world that the globalist agenda is not to be defied without extreme consequences.
“President Putin must not win this war, because that will not only be a tragedy for Ukrainians, but also make the world more dangerous,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Stoltenberg said at the White House on Tuesday before a scheduled summit with U.S. ‘President’ Joe Biden.
“It will send a message to authoritarian leaders all over the world, also in China, that when they use military force, they get what they want, and we will then become more vulnerable. So it’s our security interest to support Ukraine,” he added.
As the Russia-Ukraine war wages on at an extreme cost to Western countries with untold amounts of death and destruction to the region, NATO is setting their sights on China, preparing for a potential war over Taiwan.